Medaglia d’Oro per il nostro “Le Olle” Bardolino Superiore DOCG Classico 2013
Dear Sirs,
abbiamo il piacere di informare tutti i nostri graditi clienti e collaboratori che ieri, nel corso del Concorso “86a Festa dell’Uva e del Vino Bardolino”, siamo stati premiati con la “Medaglia D’Oro” per il nostro “LE OLLE” BARDOLINO SUPERIORE DOCG CLASSICO 2013.
Our wine was nominated (from a special commission of oenolgist and wine experts) as “the best” between a lot of different samples of the same appellation.
We are delighted that the quality of our wines have again been officially recognized, and we pledge to our customers that we will continue to strive towards the highest quality in our wines.